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“History proves that the capitalist system works.  The countries endowed with free minds and private property rights have been the fastest-growing and the most prosperous.”

— Phyllis Schlafly, newspaper column, April 7, 1981

“History proves that the capitalist system works.  The countries endowed with free minds and private property rights have been the fastest-growing and the most prosperous.”

—  Phyllis Schlafly, newspaper column, April 7, 1981

Who We Are                                                                     Our Mission

Conservatives for Property Rights is a coalition of conservative and libertarian organizations that stand for private property rights.  We believe property rights are divinely endowed to human beings on account of their humanity, and private property is essential to the functioning of free enterprise, investing one's resources in discovery and creativity, and the exercise of ordered liberty.

The mission of Conservatives for Property Rights is to bring a unified voice of Movement Conservatives, with a renewed emphasis on private property in all its forms — physical, personal, and intellectual — as an unalienable right.  CPR advocates for property rights in the context of federal matters, involving the national government under whose jurisdiction all Americans reside and to whose Constitution we look to secure these rights.

Member Organizations of Conservatives for Property Rights:

Edison's light bulb

• American Business Defense Council

• American Conservative Union

• American Policy Center

• Americans for Limited Government

• Association of Mature American Citizens

• Center for American Principles

• Center for a Free Economy

​• Center for Individual Freedom

• Committee for Justice

• Conservative Political Action Coalition

Consumer Action for a Strong Economy

• Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund

• Family PAC Federal

• Frontiers of Freedom

• Less Government

• Let Freedom Ring

• Market Institute

• Phyllis Schlafly Eagles

• 60 Plus

• Taxpayers Protection Alliance

• Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund

• Tradition Family Property

• U.S. Business & Industry Council

• Victory Coalition Strategies

• Vote America First​

“[E]very man has a property in his own person: this no body has any right to but himself.  The labour of his body, and the work of his hands, we may say, are properly his.”

— John Locke, Second Treatise on Government

All rights reserved, © 2024 Conservatives for Property Rights

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